The Process
O the tangled web we seem to always weave! That is always the web I weave a fucking tangled one, but I always seem to figure the knot out and my web is beautiful again. The process is the name of this new post. The process of staring a new! I hate staring a new process over again especially in love. You think you're in the right direction just for it to turn out to be the pits(lol) and your back at it thrown into the cold world, Trying to move but you've lost ya way. Staying is most comfortable because your dreading the damn process of starting over. O hi my name is blah blah, my favorite thing is blah blah, all a fucking process very fucking annoying. But, I have figured out its all a part of life's process, the process of growing, the process of learning, THE PROCESS OF BEING A DAMN WOMEN!!!!!!!!
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