Be afraid be VERY afraid

Iam afraid I'm very afraid, I'm afraid oh myself, my future, my past. I'm afraid of love and all that comes with it. I'm afraid of having an out of control daughter and being stuck at a no good job after years of school and thousands in loans. I'm afraid of growing old and ending up miserable because I didn't get the chance to travel the world and eat like Anothony Bourdain on the travel channel lol! I'm afraid ill never get the break that I need to succeed with my accessories line. I'm afraid of my laziness! I'm afraid of losing my mind! I'm afraid that ppl will never understand the way of the world! I'm still afraid of the dark lol! I'm afraid very fuckin afraid but "can't stop won't stop" like Diddy! Giving up is way harder then trying!

                                         I LOVE U LOVIES


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