The NEW Love

What has love come to? Do we even really love ourselves or are we loving a façade created by the thoughts and opinions of others in society! Have we accepted the fact that neither men nor women are faithful and are liable to be liars have we accepted that unfaithfulness is the NEW love? With the entertainment industry shoving down our throats unfaithfulness in every reality show I have no other choice but to believe that there is absolutely no hope for mankind lol!  Excepting the fact that your lover will cheat and take it or be alone just doesn't sit right with me, what will society come to if we are comfortable with this? What went wrong in between our grandparents generation and our generation pertaining to love? I'm optimistic and I give everything and everyone the benefit of the doubt I've grown into a hopeless romantic that still believes that the OLD love will save the day! SMOOCHES LOVIES


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