Rules and more Rules

It's 2016 and it seems as if we have not come to far from the olden days! I am not a feminist to the point of wanting to take on more manlier roles, but I will defend us! Seems like we are still being censored, judged, and sneered at for having opinions, for having thoughts! We still can not talk about sexual things in public, we still can not express ourselves about anything  freely without being name called! It's not just men we are even judged by other women! Free birds period are looked at as a shun to society! We are suppose to keep our opinions to ourselves and shut the fuck up! Bottle yourself up n suffer in silence! U can't even breast feed without someone saying oh her titty is out lol! These ROLES, RULES, and REGULATIONS is what hinders us  so worried about how someone should be acting, what they need to be doing like who gives one flying fuck that's what makes the world beautiful, different expressions! FUCK OFF!


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