Fashion Mind Control
To control ones mind there has to be consistent images or words on repeat over a long period of time that stab the subconscious mind which in turn surfaces to your physical life which makes you act without even knowing that your doing it! So with that definition are we not bombarded with fashion mind control? There are trends to follow and color schemes for certain seasons and so forth constantly being thrown at us! (There Are Forcasting Sites That Predict these things) but fashion is just a repeating scenario so of course you can predict things lol! We are told what to wear when,where,and how controlling our free will to just be and in reality everyones just walking around in the same type of shit lol! I find comfort in ignoring the current by taking a step back in time thrifting or watching a old movie and creating from within my soul and not a magazine! Don't be afraid to wear something that someone may not agree with trust me someone some where will compliment it n next thing u know you'll see it a few years later and you'll say "heyyyyy I did that 3 years ago" lol! Trust, it happens to me constantly! SMOOCHES LOVIES!
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