Love Settled

In this game of love are we suppose to settle for the the good guy/girl even though we may not necessarily totally love them? It seems as if this is the only option because the one you really want never seems to be good for your health. The one you want is either half ass communicating or just out right not giving you what you need while the one you don't want is asking to take you to picnics the same thing you been begging the one you want to do lol. So even though you may not like or love them with as much conviction should you just be with that person because they give you EVERYTHING that your not getting from the one you actually love/like with so much conviction? Should we just settle with the Adens' of the world knowing that your totally in love with the Biggs' of the world! If we do settle then comes the frighten reality that we will be unfairly keeping this person around/at bay knowing that we couldn't give them what they needed! Catch 22 here!  


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